Chapter Activities

The Executive Planning Committee (EPC) members participate in a variety of activities that enhance the government-industry working relationship at the local level. These activities include planning and administrative support for the annual Requirements Symposium for the multiple industry and defense related briefings.

Industry Dialogue

Industry Forum. The Executive Committee hosts many relevant and timely aerospace topics during each calendar year.  Each forum brings together industry executives, government leaders and experts, and academia.

Air Show Support. The EPC supports the Robins AFB Air Show and the 78th Air Base Wing by developing an industry support plan that supports the flying shows and RAFB.

Museum of Aviation. The Museum of Aviation plans and executes numerous classes for students of all ages.  Hands-on opportunities for the students are the encouraged and the highlight of each class is the student demonstration supported by Museum teachers and volunteers.  In 2019 museum hosted more than 620,000 visitors and taught more than 52,000 students.

National STEM Academy. Classes during the year and especially during the summer draws students from all 159 counties in Georgia.  Classes vary each week, and the classes are age specific.  Regular events include: Young Astronaut’s Day and STEM Camp.  Due to the COVID restrictions, the STEM Academy will host SPACE Week, which will be virtual.

Monthly/Quarterly Lunch ‘n Learn (Virtual & In Person). These events bring Robins AFB leadership together with Aerospace and Industry leaders to discuss topics of mutual interest.

Eggs ‘n Issues. Robins Regional Chamber of Commerce schedules a popular program during the year called “Eggs and Issues.”  Local mayors, hospital administrators, and county commissioners from our surrounding cities in Houston County come together for breakfast and to discuss significant issues that impact the residents and personnel at Robins AFB.  

Georgia Department of Economic Development. The next phase of an effort to diversify the workforce recently began and includes representatives from NDIA.

Middle Georgia Military Affairs Committee. The MGMAC is made up of military affairs committee members from the eleven counties surrounding Robins AFB. 

Second Chance Scholarship. Each year a graduating senior competes for a scholarship to defray college expenses. The competitors must meet these criteria:

  • Must have a 3.5 GPA.
  • Has not won any other scholarship for college or trade school, hence the name of the scholarship.
  • The field of study must be STEM related.

Dixie Crow Symposium. The Dixie Crow (DC) is a vital part of the Association of Old Crows (AOC) and takes pride in its professional presence within the community. The annual symposium intends to preserve, promote, and advance Electronic Warfare technology in the defense of our great Nation. The annual event is held in March at Robins Air Force Base, Museum of Aviation. The symposium is actively supported by the units at Robins Air Force Base who actively participate with members from the electronic combat community throughout the Air Force and across the world.

The Crows N.E.S.T. For the eigth year, an event called the Crows N.E.S.T. – Novel Experiments with Science and Technology – focuses on STEM for the students attending the Dixie Crow Symposium.  The STEM fields are Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  There will be 15 to 20 demonstrations going on as volunteer guide the youngsters through.  The Crows take their role as mentors, shaping and informing the leaders of tomorrow, very seriously.  Industry partners, including NDIA CG donated 400 t-shirts to the young participants in 2021.

Requirements Symposium (RS). This annual event is held in March in conjunction with the Dixie Crow Symposium.  It is actively supported by the Executive Planning Committee who plans and executes this event.  The next requirements symposium will be on March 24, 2022.  Mark your calendars!!

21st Century Partner’s National STEM Alliance. The National STEM Alliance in a very stimulating Robotics event.  This event is NOT Battle Bots but stimulates the participants to build a robotic device and demonstrate its performance in competition.